3 Minute Ab Workout For Beginners

12/22/2015 15:23

(Source : https://scoobysworkshop.com/)

This is a 3-minute ab workout that will give you a strong core for better sports performance and also protect your lower back from injury in everyday life.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as spot fat removal. If you a big belly, you can’t get washboard abs by doing this ab workout, or any other ab workout. It breaks my heart when I see overweight people at the gym doing 30 minute ab workouts, what they really should be doing is 27 minutes of jogging and this 3 minute ab workout. This 3-minute ab workout will make your abs strong, losing weight with good nutrition and cardio will make your abs visible by removing the fat covering them.

This workout is for those wanting flat, tight abs like a marathon runner. If you want big, powerful abs with big ridges and deep valleys like a pro bodybuilder then my killer ab workout is what you should be doing instead of this 3 minute ab workout. If you are not sure which workout you should be doing, then please watch this video “Big Abs, Flat Abs” where I explain the difference.

The 3 Minute Ab Workout

For best results, do this every day or every other day. Set a timer for 3 minutes and stop when it goes off. This workout consists of three exercises: crunches, planks and bicycles.

Crunch  Start off by doing as many crunches with good form as you can. Use slow controlled crunches lifting your shoulders up toward the ceiling. Don’t flap your arms or nod your head. To see proper form for crunches, watch this crunch video. When you cant do any more with good form …

Do a plank on your left side. Put your left forearm on the floor and then straighten your body as straight and rigid as an I-Beam. Hold this as long as you can without sagging. When you start to sag …

Do bicycles. These are great because they do your obliques and abs at the same time. Lift your shoulder to your opposite knee while keeping the opposing shoulder on the floor, then alternate. To see the proper form of the bicycle for obliques, watch this video. When you cant do any more with good form …

Do a plank on your right side. Put your right forearm on the floor and again, hold your body straight and rigid as an I-Beam. Hold this as long as you can without sagging. When you start to sag …



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